World Cafe Facilitation Guide
By Keith Reynolds | May 23 2017Planning a Resist Stigma World Café
In planning a Resist Stigma World Café event, you will need:
- Location (physically accessible, with gender neutral-washrooms)
- 1 event facilitator (from the Resist Stigma project)
- 3 presenters (to give 10-12 minute presentations at the beginning):
- Resist Stigma representative (this can also be the facilitator)
- Local researcher involved in stigma research
- Local youth involved in anti-stigma work
- Event Poster
- Use template Resist Stigma poster and correct update with event details
- Facebook Event
- Resist Stigma slideshow presentation
In preparation for the event itself, you will need
- Presenter Bios
- Land Acknowledgement Statement
- 3 youth volunteers to be small group facilitators/note-takers
- ASL Interpreter (if necessary)
- Sign-In Sheet
- Evaluation forms
- Facilitation Guide
- Name tags
- Snacks
- Notepads
- Cue cards
- Pens
- Computer and projector
Room setup:
- Table with sign-in sheet and nametags (name and pronoun)
- Food table
- Tables set up for small groups
- Computer and projector
- Facilitator should be at the welcome table to introduce themselves and welcome participants.
Resist Stigma – World Café Facilitation Guide
Welcome & Check-In
- Welcome, introduction of facilitator and purpose of event
- Land acknowledgement
- Remind people of accessibility (location of washrooms, etc…)
- Review of schedule
Group Activity: What is your definition of stigma?
Hand out cue cards to participants
Invite participants to write down their personal definition of stigma
- What is your personal definition of stigma?
- What words or phrases come to mind when you hear the word “stigma”?
Invite participants to share their definition with their table
Invite people to join the conversation on social media: #ResistStigma
Introduce Resist Stigma project
Introduce researcher
Introduce Youth speaker
Introduce World Cafes: Facilitators will go through a list of questions, and encourage participants at their table to respond. Facilitators will take notes of responses. Once 10 minutes have passed, participants will be asked to move to a different table (ideally sitting with someone they haven’t sat with before)
World Café – Round 1: How stigma works
- How do you experience stigma?
- How does stigma manifest itself within the gay, bi, and queer men’s community?
- What is stigmatized in the gay/bi/queer community?
- Where do you see stigma?
World Café – Round 2: The effects of stigma
- How does stigma affect guys you know?
- What are the health effects (mental, physical, sexual) of stigma?
- What are the social effects of stigma?
- How does stigma affect the broader gay/bi/queer men’s community?
World Café – Round 3: Resisting stigma
- How do you resist stigma?
- How do you see others resisting stigma?
- What changes can be done to eliminate stigma?
- What does a world without Stigma looks like?
Ask small group facilitators to detail 2 key points from the last round
Check out
- Announcements of any local projects or events relevant to participants (e.g., upcoming Totally outRIGHT sessions)
- If time permits, you can check out: How are people feeling?
- Evaluation
Event: ______________________________ Date: _________________________________
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Resist Stigma Forum – Halifax March 31st
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- The discussion helped my understanding of stigma 1 2 3 4 5
- I feel motivated to do something about stigma 1 2 3 4 5
- I’d be interested in attending a follow-up Resist Stigma event 1 2 3 4 5
- Overall, I enjoyed the workshop 1 2 3 4 5
- What does Resist Stigma mean to you?
If you’d like to receive update about Resist Stigma, please write down your name and email on the sign-in sheet!
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